Thursday, February 5, 2009

An Introduction

Hello, my name is Miriam, and welcome to my blog!

The Sages say that "every person is a world" - and I believe it! Everyone has a different set of life experiences than the person next to them. Not only that, but even if two people share a single experience, how they perceive that experience differs - sometimes slightly, sometimes greatly - depending on the experiences they've had in the past. Hopefully, by sharing some of my world as it happens, this world will be a better place. So welcome to my world.
  • I'm a Mathematics senior at Arizona State University, graduating in May 2009.
  • I am a Chabadnik.
  • My mother passed away a little over a year ago (late December 2007).
  • I am engaged to be married in early June of this year to the wonderful Ariel.
As the posts continue, hopefully you'll enjoy my world, and share a little of your own.


  1. Miriam! I miss you and am so happy that you are engaged and so happy! You are amazing. I had no idea that you lost your mother and am so so sorry to hear it. I love what you wrote about every person being a world and I believe it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your blog and I can't wait to follow!
    Love you,

  2. Hey Miriam! I'm excited to read your blog- I'm sure it will be great.

  3. Hi Miriam,
    This is great! Can't wait to see what else you write.
